Restorative Practices

Repairing Harm and Restoring Relationships

Restorative practice are strategies that seeks to repair relationships that have been damaged, including those damaged by bullying. Restorative practices are not just a disciplinary strategyit incorporates prevention and intervention in its approach.

This disciplinary structure allows students an opportunity to create, sustain and restore relationships with other students as well as with staff. By proactively building skills needed when conflict arises, students are better equipped to resolve problems, be more respectful listeners and create healthy self-esteem.

H.G. Hill is one of two middle schools in MNPS to have a student-led restorative practices team called "Influential Student Leaders" and are led by a full-time restorative practices practitioner, working in partnership with the Oasis Center. H.G. Hill has a dedicated "peace room" where students meet to do the work of restorative practices, and all classrooms have a "peace corner," a place where students can take a break to regroup and refocus.